Articles on: Domain and DNS

Domain Name FAQs

What is a domain name?

Domain name is a unique name that identifies an Internet site. It allows Domain Name System (DNS) computers to identify the website when Internet users are searching for it.
For example:

Why should I get a domain name?

Domain name was needed so that people can find the site on the World Wide Web quickly and easily.
It was an essential tool to introduce the business to the public; businesses often register domains to protect them from cyber-squatting or unauthorized use.

What are the common requirements to register a domain name?

Domain names can only contain characters from A to Z, 0 – 9;
Domain names may contain “hyphen/-” but may not begin or end with a hyphen;
Spaces and special characters, such as question marks (?), exclamation points (!), and underscores (_) are never permitted;
All domains must have at least 2 name servers and IPs listed at all times;
Domain name cannot have hyphens as the 3rd and 4th characters (reserved for multilingual domain registration eg:
Information provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete;
The domain owner must always keep the domain Whois information up to date.

How much does a domain name cost?

You may refer to pricing table for more information and find out our promotion if any.

How do I determine whether the domain name is available or not?
You may check the availability when you try to register the domain at our site, if the name is still available, the system shall automatically prompt to the next step. You may also be able to view the availability of the domain with other extensions. If the domain name is already taken, type in a new name and search again.

Updated on: 21/06/2022

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