I don’t know anything about programming. Can I still make a home page with you?
Our vision has from the start been to offer a simple, flexible and user friendly product, which at the same time takes heed of the beginners’ competences and the expectations of the professional user.
Through a focussed effort we managed to develop a system, which in one solution gives both the non-technical and the technical user the possibility to unfold on the Internet. Moreover we offer thFew readersWhy Is My Domain’s Whois Information Public?
WHOIS is a public database containing the contact information of all registered and active domains and their owners.
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) is the authority binding all domain registrars to make newly registered domains and their contact information publicly available.
This public information is best used when verifying a domain ownership or, for example, when the domain is transferred or is being investigFew readersHow Do I Renew My Domain Name ?
All hosting services offered by GB Network Solutions are set to automatically renew on their anniversary date unless a cancellation request has been placed.
Customers will receive an invoice that will sent by our system (60 days before expiring date).
After our you received an invoice, you just need to make a payment by using our payment methods in certain period of time.
If you successfully make a payment within the specified period of time, your dFew readersWhat is WHOIS Privacy?
International rules require that valid contact information known as Whois, available for every domain name.
ID Protect cloaks your identity and provides proxy contact information in the Whois.Few readersDoes ID Protect help reduce spam?
Yes, domain name Whois is a principal source of email addresses for spammers.
If your domain name has ID Protect, we change the Whois email address several times a year.
Spammers harvest and use one Whois email address, but once we change it that source of spam is cut off.Few readersWhat Is Domain Privacy Protection?
When you register a domain, your private personal information including name, address, phone number, and email address is listed in the so-called WHOIS of the domain, which is publicly available.
The Domain Privacy Protection service legally replaces the WHOIS details, covering Administrative, Technical and Billing contacts of your domain’s WHOIS record with generic Domain Privacy Protected contact details.
After buying a Domain Privacy ProtectionFew readersWhy is my personal information available when I purchase a domain name?
International rules require that valid contact information be provided for all domain names, and that it be accessible worldwide.
ID Protect provides valid contact information that satisfies the international requirements without exposing your personal contact information to worldwide scrutiny.Few readersWhat is ID Protect?
ID Protect is a service that hides your private information from being displayed publicly in a global database that is frequently used by spammers and data miners to bombard unprotected people with unsolicited advertisements and scams.
ID Protect can be used on any domain registration from one of the following TLDs: COM, NET, ORG, INFO, BIZ, PRO, TV, CC, ME, ASIA, CM
ID Protect takes your unprotected, personal information and shields it fromFew readersWhat happens if my domain expires?
Auto Renew Grace Period ( 0-45 days )
Redemption Grace Period a.k.a Pending Delete Restorable (30 days)
Pending Delete Period ( 5 days)
Note : If customers not taking any actions within specified period of time, your domain will be deleted in 5 days at Pending Delete Period.
Should you wish to cancel your domain name, and prevent it from rFew readersHow can you offer something for such a low price?
GB Network Solutions starts off with the belief that it shouldn’t have to be expensive to be good. We have developed our own unique web hosting system that secures an optimal use of our resources.
Because of this we can today offer a complete solution for a previously unheard-of price.
In spite of our competitive prices we never compromised on the quality.Few readersCan you help me to transfer my site from my current hosting to you?
Absolutely! We offer transfer services. We'll move your website files from your old host and we'll even transfer the domain for you to our network.Few readersWhy should I pay for web hosting?
A web hosting solution with us is in comparison to a free solution 100% free of advertisements.
This mean that recipients of your emails and the visitors of your home page only see that, which you have chosen to show.
Your personal data will be handled strictly confidentially. Trust in GB Network Solutions.
There is no risk, that we share your data with others or use them for marketing purposes.
Our solution gives you good possibilities to unfold onFew readers