How to Fix RDC issue due to CredSSP encryption?
How to Fix RDC issue due to CredSSP encryption?
This guide is to fix the following error.

How to fix
You must run command prompt as administrator
You can open an administrative Command Prompt using just the Start menu (or Start screen in Windows 8). Hit Start, type command and you’ll see Command Prompt listed as the main result. Right-click that result and choose Run as administrator

Copy-paste command below

Hit enter and you can try login your VPS

This guide is to fix the following error.

How to fix
You must run command prompt as administrator
You can open an administrative Command Prompt using just the Start menu (or Start screen in Windows 8). Hit Start, type command and you’ll see Command Prompt listed as the main result. Right-click that result and choose Run as administrator

Copy-paste command below
reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\CredSSP\Parameters" /f /v AllowEncryptionOracle /t REG_DWORD /d 2

Hit enter and you can try login your VPS

Updated on: 20/06/2022
Thank you!