Articles on: Windows VPS

What are the benefits of VPS Hosting?

What are the benefits of VPS Hosting?
VPS hosting gives you the affordability of shared hosting, while at the same time giving you more power and control like a dedicated server.

As you don't share your OS with anyone else, there are no other websites on your server that potentially have access to your files.

With a VPS Server, you have your own Operating System. This also means that you have your own instances of all server applications such as Apache, PHP, and MySQL. If you need to have any of these services customized, you can make changes to suit the server to your needs.

If you're installing server applications that require a system restart, you can do so at any time. Even though technically you share a server with other VPS servers, your VPS server can be restarted without affecting anyone else.

Dedicated Resources
On a VPS Server, you have dedicated amounts of RAM available to you at any time. Unlike shared hosting, there is no one else on your server that can use utilize all the RAM when you need it most!

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Updated on: 21/06/2022

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